Poll: Who is your favorite female athlete?

Quick Poll, while I hammer away at an MSGC fellowship for 2010...

Who is your favorite female athlete, and why? They can be from any sport, so don't forget to include that in your reply. Post a comment or send me a direct email [mlkillia (at) gmail (dot) com]!

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Samantha said...

Kathrine Switzer is my hero! She overcame so much and changed the sport for women an incredible amount with both her pioneer athletic guts and her never ceasing work to get women recognized as strong and capable runners.

She's also an amazingly nice person.

Thomas Tan said...
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Thomas Tan said...

Great list of amazing female athletes. I had the pleasure of meeting and running with Devon once when she was in Seattle: http://lifekeepsonrunning.blogspot.com/2009/01/running-with-sam.html.

Personally, I like Dara Torres, not just because she competed in Five Olympics and is a four time Olympic gold medalist, and 12 time Olympic medalist, but she shows everyone that age is just a number! She didn’t let her career stop her from having children; she's a great role model to women and mothers.